67 Steps is a very popular program founded by Tai Lopez, a sort of self-help guru of sorts, who has gained viral popularity over the past couple of step-to-sucessyears. If you have never heard of Tai’s program before, we are going to give you a couple of the steps found in the 67 step journey to help you decide if this program is right for you. For more reviews on the 67 Step program approach, please visit http://the67stepsreviews.net.
1. Become Adaptable

There is only one constant in life… everything changes. If we can become adaptable we can meet even adversity head-on with a smile. When you are adaptable you are developing static skills that leave you more likely to survive your surroundings… or your circumstances.
2. Discover a Mentor

A mentor can help to guide you through the trials of life… but you need to choose wisely. According to Lopez, 33% of your time should be spent learning from your mentors. The best mentors are typically even-keeled and older than you. Make a list of those you think would make good mentors, call them each up and decide who is a good fit for you. Then, pass the knowledge you learn on to the next in line. Pay it forward.
3. Find You Humility

Don’t make the mistake of being a know it all. Be willing to read books, go to seminars and learn from those around you. Even those who do you wrong, the lesson will teach you something. Be grateful for every opportunity to learn.
4. Listen to Only Experts

Remember when it comes to important things in life to listen only to the experts. Most people are coming from a place of social bias. So taking time to really pick the brain of an expert can make all the difference in how you see the world.
5. Take A Couple Steps Every day

You probably know at least a little about what you want to do with your life. Lopez suggests taking a couple steps each day to get closer to your goals. Make a list. Check it off as you go. Before you know it, you will be closer to your overall goal.
6. Discover Something You Like

Lopez believes that if you need to take a vacation from work then you need to find a work that feels like a vacation. There is no use in wasting your life away at a job that you hate. Focus your energy on jobs that really evoke your passion and that you look forward to going to each day. This will not only change your life… but it will change your viewing of your own world.
7. Be Cautious About Relationships

Remember, not everyone will have your best interests at heart as you venture out into the world. The world is very competitive and you simply cannot trust everyone that you meet right away. It is better to approach things with a kind but cautious attitude when you are out in the world – especially in business.
8. Have an Investing Mentality

Invest in businesses, brands, and stocks to grow your wealth and be proactive about staying on top of what is happening with your funds. However, this step does not only translate to money investing. Invest in yourself as well. Go to seminars to learn more about how to handle your paycheck. Read, read, read… and learn from people who have grown their wealth to become independently wealthy. Do what you can and invest your money and your time.
9. Spend Your Time Wisely

Time wastes so quickly if we let it and we really need to think about what we are spending our time on throughout the day and evening. Keep a count of where your hours are going to pen and paper. When you do, you will see where your treasure lies. It may show that you need to spend more time with your kids. It may show that you procrastinate with your workload. Whatever it is, spend your time on things that matter and things that get stuff done. When you do these two things, you cannot go wrong.
67 Steps is a no-nonsense, modern approach to taking the reigns of your life in a way that is both new age and still workable in a realistic market. These 9 steps leave us wanting to know more about what Lopez has to say about not only living life richer… but more richly in spirit.